Reusable Nappies from A to Z – A Complete Glossary
Confused by cloth nappy jargon? Its easy when you know how, but when you’re new to using cloth nappies, all the abbreviations can feel a bit overwhelming. There seems to be so much information...
Confused by cloth nappy jargon? Its easy when you know how, but when you’re new to using cloth nappies, all the abbreviations can feel a bit overwhelming. There seems to be so much information...
You’ve decided to try cloth nappies, that’s brilliant! Now what?! Whether it’s because you want to reduce your waste, your disposable options have let you down too many times, or you simply can’t resist a...
Well I’d love to say that I am not a complete newbie when it comes to cloth nappies now but recently I had the revelation that I have been a bit of a twit!
The bumGenius Flip is a ‘One-Size’ ‘Hybrid’ nappy system. As a ‘one’ sized system the nappy wraps are adjustable as your baby grows. The hybrid element of the system is the variety of different...
[youtube NvlhQWEuNQE] We welcome the Ecobubs – a recent addition to the Babipur cloth nappy collection! The nappy demonstration video above is filmed using a medium sized Ecobub.
The thought of millions of used disposable nappies sitting in landfill for hundreds of years, refusing to biodegrade, is pretty disgusting. But what’s the alternative? Huge, baby-swamping terry nappies that need to be boiled...