Zero Waste Period: Cloth Sanitary Pads from Baba + Boo

About Baba + Boo

Eve Bell created Baba + Boo in 2009 when she made the decision not to go back to work after having her babies. She started out with cloth nappies and accessories, but has more recently ventured into the world of reusable menstrual pads. Makes sense right? Use all the fantastic knowledge and skills you’ve acquired creating an amazing product to create something new and exciting!

Baba + Boo have a strong social conscience and support Bliss – a charity that helps premature and sick babies in the UK – and also Nkouranga Orphanage in Tanzania. Just like Babipur, Baba + Boo recycle everything they can, and we love that they offset their carbon footprint and grow trees too.

You can read all about the brand, and lovely Eve, here.

Why reusables?!

The Marine Conservation Society works tirelessly to protect our seas, shores, and wildlife.  They do amazing work to clean our UK beaches, and encourage others to do the same. Over the past decade they have collected over 20,000 tampon applicators and sanitary pads from our beaches and waterways.

In 2014, the Institution of Environmental Sciences published figures concerning water waste management, and suggested that 700 panty liners, 2.5 million tampons, and 1.4 million sanitary products are flushed down the toilet EVERY SINGLE DAY. On investigation, the main reasons they found for the flushing of sanitary waste was convenience and hygiene. Ultimately, this is having a devastating effect on our environment, and is extremely harmful to our oceans and marine life.

Disposable sanitary pads are largely made up of plastic. They are not biodegradable, and so when washed out into our oceans and waterways, they are destined to stay there or be ingested. Tampon applicators have regularly been found in the stomachs of marine wildlife.

Cloth sanitary pads are comfortable, practical, cost-effective, and kind to the planet. Oh, and they come in beautiful patterns and prints as well! Fondly known as vagina blankets and muff fluff, whats not to love?!

What are they made from?

Reusable pads from Baba + Boo are made from a layer of super soft bamboo charcoal fleece, and have a hidden, breathable, and waterproof PUL layer for extra confidence. This is the same waterproof layer you can find in Baba + Boo nappies, and one of the things that makes them so popular.

These pads offer great absorbency, are super stylish and comfortable, and of course come in a range of gorgeous prints, much like those we have grown to love from Baba + Boo. The two latest prints are cactus (as you all loved the succulents nappy print so much), and this gorgeous blossom, which is just heavenly.

New to these prints, Eve has decided based on customer feedback, to place an extra popper for an even more secure fit, giving you greater confidence.

We hope you love them as much as we do, and will join us in having a #PlasticFreePeriod. If you are new to reusable menstrual products and want to know a bit more, this ‘Beginners Guide to CSP‘ might be helpful.

You can find the whole range of Baba + Boo Nappies, cloth pads, make up pads, and wet bags >here<

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1 Response

  1. September 9, 2020

    […] read about what makes reusables a better choice for both people and the planet on our blog ‘Zero Waste Period: Cloth Sanitary Pads from Baba + Boo‘ which has some great facts and reasons to give cloth a […]

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