How to Play with Reel Wood Numbers!

Reel Wood Designs is a small family business and crafting children’s educational toys to inspire learning through play. Reel Wood are committed to using only sustainably sourced, FSC-certified American White Oak wood. Lovingly handmade every step of the way, and each one unique, these are exceptional quality teaching resources to support the Montessori approach to learning. We asked Kim to show us some of the ways to play with their Reel Wood Numbers!

Hi I’m Kim, one of the makers at Reel Wood and mummy to Evie who is 4 and Eli who will be 2 next month. Our toys are designed mainly with our children’s interests in mind and they are truly our number one fans! Reel Wood toys are out every day in our house and the children love showing me new and different ways that they like to play with them.

As always stacking creates a challenge for all ages. Allowing children to develop their hand eye coordination and work on that all important pincer grip. Wooden toys are perfect for this! How high can you stack yours?

We use playdough a lot with our Reel Wood toys and the numbers are no exception to this. As well as creating an added sensory element to play we are able to work on number recognition and allowing children to build up their muscle memory tracing the shape.

This exercise is really simple but really effective. Draw around the number on a piece of paper, put them to the side and then allow your child to match them up. Again solidify number recognition. We like sound out the numbers as we match them.

When working on ordering by value we like to incorporate our Coach House tracing board. Once your child has mastered 1-10 why not add an extra challenge by making them go in reverse order.

Grapat loose parts not only look pretty but they’re a great math resource too. We started by working on number recognition pairing the number with the amount of rings. We also use them to explore basic math and create a different visual element of a math problem.

Kontu again works with Reel Wood to make math visual. This allows children to explore and recognise numbers through play as well as developing basic maths skills.

This exercise is something we’ve only recently started working on, understanding time and reading a clock. We’ve been initially working on o’clock so that Evie develops a concept of time in preparation for starting school. We formed a circle using our Abel Blocks to create the clock and added the numbers into the appropriate position to create a clock face.

Reel Wood makes the perfect addition to any cake, be it real or wooden. We incorporate our numbers into birthday celebrations to symbolise the age of the person who’s celebrating. You could go further and use them in seasonal displays to show the date and month, even year.

>> Shop Reel Wood Numbers Here <<

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