Babipur Challenge
? Are you ready for a brand new Instagram #BabipurChallenge? This time we’re focusing on Autumn traditions
? For this challenge we would like to you to share your Babi Pur goodies, following along with our daily prompts for inspiration and interpret them in your own way
? Share as little or as much as you like, each picture counts as an entry and don’t worry if you post a photo prompt on a different day to what we’ve detailed below, we will still count them as an entry
? For this challenge there will be 2 winners. The first prize will be a Grapat Bowls as Acorns Set with a second prize of 2 Grimms decorative figures too add to your seasonal displays
Friday- Autumn harvest
Saturday- Autumn Sunsets
Sunday- Shadows and monochrome
Monday- Fire and light
Tuesday- Witches spell
Wednesday- Festivals
Thursday- Bats, cats and owls
Friday- Darker nights
Saturday- Spirits and ghosts
Sunday- Trick or treat
Monday- Frosty mornings
Tuesday- Wrap up warm
Wednesday- Moon
Thursday- Pumpkin
Friday- Catch up before 11am
? To take part in this challenge:
1. Post pictures of your goodies from @babipur on Instagram following our Autumn traditions theme
2. Tag @babipur and use the hashtags #lovebabipur and #babipurchallenge in your photo captions
3. Follow @babipur in Instagram
4. Have fun!
? Photos must be posted from a public profile between Friday 5th of Octber to 11am 19th of October (UK time). Full T&C’s available on our website. Not endorsed by or associated with Facebook
Pob Lwc!