Babipur Instagram Challenge – Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight begins Monday 24th Feb and our new Babipur Instagram Challenge is all about Fairtrade!
Almost all cocoa farmers in West Africa live in poverty with most people making less than 75p per day and it’s even more unfair for women. Fairtrade Fortnight is all about highlighting this bitter exploitation and raising awareness that there is an alternative and consumers can make a difference.
We are taking a look at chocolate, the farmers and cocoa the raw ingredient used to make it, 60% of which is grown in the West African countries of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. Fairtrade certified chocolate makes a huge difference! It covers the price paid to farmers, women’s empowerment making sure they are represented and have a voice and the environment enabling them to invest in climate resilience and adaptation. Fairtrade is not about charity, it’s about ensuring a living income enough money to live a simple but dignified life for farmers and their families free from poverty and exploitation.
The Babipur Instagram Challenge starts today with the intention of learning about and promoting Fairtrade for the next two weeks. Join in as much or as little as you like.
The PRIZE: A stack of Fairtrade chocolate from Tony’s Chocolonely and Cocoa Loco worth £50 including every flavour of Tony’s we sell, a pack of Tony’s eggs and a selection of Cocoa Loco chocolate bars. We’ll also have some little prizes through Fairtrade fortnight too so make sure you join in with the challenge.
To Take part in the Babipur Fairtrade challenge
- Post pictures to help us share a positive Fairtrade message and explain in your post that you’re taking part in the Babipur Fairtrade challenge
- Tag @babipur and use the hashtag #babipurchallenge and #lovebabipur hashtags
- Be sure to follow @babipur Instagram
- Photos must be posted from a public account so we can find them
We have daily Fairtrade prompts to encourage learning and fun. There are lots of resources on the Fairtrade foundation website and we’ll be posting lots of information on Facebook and Instagram to help out too.
Saturday 22nd Feb – What countries cocoa grows
Sunday 23rd – Cocoa trees
Monday 24th – Your favourite Fairtrade chocolate
Tuesday 25th – Cocoa beans
Wednesday 26th – She deserves
Thursday 27th – Fairtrade selfie
Friday 28th – Fair prices, Fairtrade premium
Saturday 29th – Cocoa farmers
Sunday 1st Mar – Fairtrade label
Monday 2nd – Make something Fairtrade
Tuesday 3rd – Chocolate
Wednesday 4th – Tell a Fairtrade story
Thursday 5th – Living income
Friday 6th – Enjoy a Fairtrade treat
As always post as many photos as you like through the Fortnight, each one counts as an entry. Photos must be posted between 11am Friday 21stFeb and 11am Friday 6th March UK time.
Have fun and lets spread the Fairtrade message. With Fairtrade you have the power to change the world every day. With simple shopping choices you can get farmers a better deal.