Win – Itti Bitti Wetbag & Pair of Huggalugs!

Lots of you have asked us to stock the Huggalugs legwarmers and the Itti Bitti wetbags… so we did!  We’ve also been busy uploading 100’s of new items to our website so that we’re up-to-date and  ready for the Autumn.   Our competition prize this time is a pair of organic Huggalugs of your choice and a gorgeously soft luxury wet bag by Itti Bitti.  To enter, all you need to do is answer the following question by commenting below

 “What is your favourite item of baby/children’s clothing from our new Autumn/Winter range?”

BONUS ENTRIES: For bonus entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following you have done :

  • LIKEBabiPur on Facebook
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  • BLOG Blog about this competition – mention us on your own blog
  • TELL YOUR FRIENDS about this competition on any UK forum (separate entry for each one)
  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT & tick to receive our newsletters here
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  • SUBSCRIBE to our new Youtube channel BabipurTV & comment on a video for another entry

It is important that you leave separate comments as each comment number is counted as an entry!

All entries need to be with us before midnight on Wednesday 29th of  September 2010

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167 Responses

  1. Laura says:

    Fan on facebook 🙂

  2. Gemma says:

    fan on facebook

  3. Gemma says:

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  4. Gemma says:


  5. Anna G says:

    Facebook fan

  6. Emma says:

    Fan on Facebook

  7. Gemma says:

    i love the organic snuggle snow suit in red, must have it!!

  8. Emma says:

    Fan photo added on facebook of my youngest – Bethany in her BG v3

  9. Rebecca Lewis says:

    Facebook fan 🙂

  10. Emma says:

    Posted in the cloth bum corner on our forum mums the word, although it is a closed forum

  11. Rebecca Lewis says:

    Twitter follower 🙂

  12. Rebecca Lewis says:

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  13. Emma says:

    Retweeted on Twitter (EmRobo)

  14. Emma says:

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  15. Emma says:

    My favourite Item on clothing has to be…

    The Green Baby red coat, I think it is gorgeous and in my fave colour too…Red

    Some say I have an obsession with red… red purse, handbag, car, phil and teds 😛

  16. Lauren says:

    Fan on Facebook!

  17. Shannon S says:

    Definitely the organic snow suit…toooooo cute!!

  18. Shannon S says:

    facebook fan

  19. Rebecca Lewis says:

    I have posted on The Bundle Jungle about the competition x

  20. Emma says:

    I have also subscribed to babipur tv (which is fab, well done)

  21. Shannon S says:

    Added fan picture to facebook page

  22. Emma says:

    Comments on MammaMcCann’s blog and the new weehugger bags

  23. EmilyS says:

    Fan on facebook!

  24. EmilyS says:

    twitter follower

  25. amy green says:

    fan on facebook

  26. EmilyS says:

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  27. amy green says:

    my favourite item is organic snuggle snow suit

  28. Faye says:

    Fan on facebook

  29. EmilyS says:

    subscribed to babipur tv and commented on BGv4 (aplix) video

  30. EmilyS says:


  31. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

    LIKEBabiPur on Facebook

    Done : )

  32. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

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    Added picture of Ivy in an itti

  33. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

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    following : )

  34. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

    TELL YOUR FRIENDS about this competition on any UK forum (separate entry for each one)

    Shared on fluffypost

  35. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

    CREATE AN ACCOUNT & tick to receive our newsletters here

    receiving newsletter : )

  36. Claire and Osian says:

    My little dude likes the blue stripe nautical hoodie.

  37. Claire and Osian says:

    Face book fan

  38. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

    COMMENT leave a comment on any posts on this blog

    Commented on challenging the disposable

  39. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

    RETWEET this post

    retweeted : )

  40. Carrie-Anne Alexander says:

    SUBSCRIBE to our new Youtube channel BabipurTV & comment on a video for another entry

    Commented on Bitti Tutto

  41. Claire and Osian says:

    Have an account and subscribe to NL

  42. Laura says:

    Uploaded a pic of S in her pink polka Itti in the ball pool to facebook

  43. Claire and Osian says:

    Pic uploaded to FB (Osian)

  44. Abi Lambourne says:

    My favourite item from the autumn/winter range is the tracker hats (I have ordered one for my little boy) x

  45. Abi Lambourne says:

    Fan on facebook x

  46. Abi Lambourne says:

    Added photo to Babipur facebook page x

  47. Claire and Osian says:

    Subscribed to youtube channel and commented on flips

  48. Claire and Osian says:

    Commented on weehugger video blog post

  49. Lauren says:

    Posted pic on F/B site 🙂

  50. Claire and Osian says:

    Follower on twitter

  51. Lauren says:

    Fav item is the Organics for Kids Spotty Blue Kimono Romper!

  52. My absolute favourite item of baby clothing from your new Autumn/Winter range has to be the Mulberry Petal Stripe Tunic Dress. My daughter would look gorgeous in it!

  53. I’m a fan on Facebook (Leanne McLoughlin) x

  54. I follow you on Twitter @second_time_mum

  55. Claire and Osian says:


  56. I retweeted @second_time_mum

  57. Ana Popescu says:

    Green Baby Teal Padded Snowsuit (I really want one, I hope I’ll get it before stock ends). ALso, I’m a fan on facebook!

  58. Annabelle says:

    The lovely bonnets from Organics for kids. I bought the purple one and my lo looks so cute in it!!

  59. Annabelle says:

    I am a fan on FAcebook

  60. Annabelle says:

    Already have an account and receive newsletter

  61. Sez says:

    fb fan x

  62. Sez says:

    love the green baby red coat!

  63. Sez says:

    have an account and subscribe to newsletter x

  64. Kirsty says:

    Newsletter subscriber

  65. Kirsty says:

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  66. Kirsty says:

    I like the organic Cotton Trees Playsuit – because the little model is so cute and makes me smile!

  67. Samantha Jaques says:

    Facebook fan x

  68. Samantha Jaques says:

    Have added pictures to facebook page

  69. claire says:

    Fan here on FB too!

  70. Vicki sutcliffe says:

    The snuggle snow suit in red is fab! Shame you don’t do it in adult sizes!!!

  71. Vicki sutcliffe says:

    Like on facebook

  72. Lucy Turner says:

    I love the red spotty snow suit, it looks really soft and snuggly for winter

  73. Lucy Turner says:

    Facebook fan

  74. Hilary says:

    i love the boys Piccalilly stripy cowboy top! and the rest of the cowboy things as well.

  75. Julia says:

    I love the Organic Fleece Reversible Frugi Coat. Its so cute!! I love reversible stuff, and the mix of fleece and cord just makes it so versatile!

  76. Julia says:

    Facebook fan

  77. Julia says:

    Have account and get newsletter

  78. Julia says:

    Subscribed to YouTube and commented on Tutto video (shewhosings)

  79. Rachel Keegan says:

    I love the new Picalilly cowboy range.
    Shame I only have a little girl!
    Don’t think she’d mind wearing it, but everyone else might think I’ve gone a bit mad!

  80. Rachel Keegan says:

    Fan on facebook

  81. Rachel Keegan says:

    shared this competition on my facebook page

  82. Rachel Keegan says:

    commented on 2 videos on babipur tv

  83. Rachel Keegan says:

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  84. Rachel Keegan says:

    commented on Weehuggers hobobags post on this blog

  85. emma cella says:

    i love the organic snuggle snow suit in red

  86. Nicky says:

    I love the moosechaser hugalugs! fan on facebook.

  87. EmilyS says:

    uploaded a photo

  88. Caroline says:

    I looooooove the snuggle suit!

  89. EmilyS says:

    My favourite item has to be that gorgeous Green Baby red coat! How cute!

  90. Caroline says:

    facebook fan

  91. Caroline says:

    follower on titter @bluefluffysocks

  92. Caroline says:

    news letter subscriber

  93. Caroline says:

    retweeted comp

  94. EmilyS says:

    Have added the link to my personal blog

  95. EmilyS says:

    commented on the Breaking the Mould article x

  96. Rebecca says:

    Facebook fan

  97. Rebecca says:

    Posted a photo of my youngest Zachary in a jade itti and huggalugs 🙂

  98. Rebecca says:

    created an account and ticked to receive newsletter

  99. Rebecca says:

    love the organics baby snowsuit in blue – too cute!

  100. Sarah says:

    My favourite item is the Green Baby Red Winter Coat – look adorable and so cosy! Wish it went up to my size!

  101. Sarah says:

    Also, I am a fan of Babipur on Facebook!

  102. Christina Hambrook says:

    fan on facebook

  103. Christina Hambrook says:

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  104. Christina Hambrook says:


  105. Christina Hambrook says:

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  106. Christina Hambrook says:

    my favourite item is Frugi – Mulberry Petal Stripe Tunic Dress, absolutely gorgeous

  107. Sian Owen says:

    Favourite item – Frugi Organic Cotton Baby Dress

  108. Sian Owen says:

    favourite item – Frugi – Mulberry Petal Stripe Tunic Dress

  109. Sian Owen says:

    Like on Facebook

  110. Elgan Owen says:

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  111. Elgan Owen says:


  112. Sionedwyn says:

    I LOVE the Katvig – Velour Stripe Overalls!! They’re lush, I love dungarees/all in ones on my little boy x

  113. Sionedwyn says:

    Facebook fan

  114. Sionedwyn says:

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  117. Sionedwyn says:


  118. Sionedwyn says:

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  119. Sionedwyn says:

    commented on the Breaking the Mold article

  120. Sam says:

    Facebook fan!

  121. Leonie says:

    itti bitti wetbag in lime,
    perfect even when the sun doesn’t shine,
    carries my nappies and lifts up my mood,
    all this in one bag – that’s simply good!

  122. Leonie says:

    also a facebook friend

  123. Leanne says:

    retweeted x

  124. Leanne says:

    I’m a fan on facebook! x

  125. Leanne says:

    I love, love, love the Frugi Purple girls Mulberry Crush Coat!!

  126. Elizabeth Burton says:

    My favourite is the Frugi Organic Cord Poppy Dress x

  127. Elizabeth Burton says:

    Already a fan on facebook (Missie Lizzie)

  128. Elizabeth Burton says:

    Already following on Twitter @missielizzieb

  129. Elizabeth Burton says:

    RT’d @missielizzieb

  130. Rachel Dann says:

    Following on Twitter @dannclan

    Liked on Facebook too xx

  131. Gillian says:

    I like the green baby red elephant top best. Could I get away with matching tops for my 1 and 3 year olds?!

  132. Gillian says:

    I’m a facebook fan

  133. Gillian says:

    Subscribed to BabiPurTV x

  134. JamesR says:

    Can’t surf (yet) hoody

  135. JamesR says:

    Facebook fan!

  136. JamesR says:

    Picture uploaded to FB

  137. JamesR says:

    Left a comment on weehugger bag blog

  138. JamesR says:

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  139. JamesR says:


  140. Rebecca Hudson says:

    the snow suit

  141. Rebecca Hudson says:

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  144. Lindsey says:

    my fave item is that blue one with the records on, little beanie hat (cant think of the brand name its late!) I ordered one but it was too small and couldnt size up 🙁 but is still my fave!

  145. Lindsey says:

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  149. Jenny says:

    There are soooo many items that I love from your range but my favourite is the Piccalilly farmyard t-shirt 🙂

  150. Jenny says:

    FB fan

  151. Jenny says:

    fan pic on fb

  152. Jenny says:

    have account and receive newsletters

  153. Jenny says:

    subscribe to youtube channel

  154. Jenny says:

    commented on Mama McCann’s diary

  155. Jenraf says:

    facebook fab

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  157. Jenraf says:


  158. Jenraf says:

    baby snowsuit in blue

  159. Jenraf says:

    newsletter subscriber

  160. Danielle Welsh says:

    i really like the organic snuggle snow suit in red

    Tweeted @cheekyd19

    Follow on facebook

  161. claire says:

    fan on facebook

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  163. claire says:

    re tweeted..

  164. KateS says:

    My fave product would is the snuggle snow suit! So cosy!

  165. KateS says:

    I’m a facebook fan

  166. KateS says:

    I’m a follower on Twitter

  167. KateS says:

    I’ve retweeted this post

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