What to Remember! – Mama McCann’s diary of Cloth

Well I’d love to say that I am not a complete newbie when it comes to cloth nappies now but recently I had the revelation that I have been a bit of a twit!

Miss Fizz had had quite a lot of leaky night time nappies recently and after having a moan then contacting Jolene we decided that it was probably about time I strip washed the nappies. Now this made complete sense, the nappies did feel different and this was probably the build up of detergent. The nappies felt much nicer after following the advice on Nicola’s article about how to look after your cloth nappies.

After strip washing we still had a few leakage problems and it finally twigged! Me being me I had kept Fizz in the nappies as I had always been using them, poppers used, Flip liners a certain way. Switching the flip liner around and adjusting the poppers to accomodate a toddler rather than a baby felt like an easy solution and it was.

Why hadn’t I spotted that earlier? Well I suppose it’s because I still feel Fizz is a baby, that there is no rush for her to grow up.

In cloth terms though a baby is very different to a toddler. Walking around causes more bunching in material and more give is needed for comfort.

So with this in mind I am going to ensure I strip wash every 3 months and also not put Fizz’s nappy together until she is ready to wear it. This way I can take into account her growth and movement needs.

We’ve also stopped using velcro nappies – this little monkey can undo them herself now 🙂

So how have you grown with cloth, how do you deal with heavy wetting at night? and how is your journey going?

Chelle McCann

I am married to Gav and mummy of a gorgeous girl who arrived 11 days late in December 2009. I started blogging in 2009 when I was 17 weeks pregnant after becoming frustrated reading pregnancy books and wanting something a bit more open and honest. I started to write for a local newspaper and loved being able to share all things mummy, wife and life related, sometimes whingeing but positive also! I love music and reading but am currently immersed in anything baby related. I love my life!

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1 Response

  1. Ros Milligan says:

    we had the same leaky problem at night and switched to bamboo pop ins for night time, works a treat! x

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