Wales is the Worlds First Fair Trade Nation!
In June 2008 Wales was declared the world’s first Fairtrade nation. The announcement followed a two-year campaign by the Wales Fair Trade Forum, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, to increase the availability of Fair Trade products in towns, cities and counties across Wales, and encouraging schools, businesses and other organisations to switch to Fair Trade. An independent panel of fair trade experts from Britain and Europe reviewed all of the evidence collated and congratulated Wales on its progress.
The Fair Trade Wales flag is now touring the country to celebrate Wales’ new Fair Trade status. The Fair Tade Wales forum is now implementing the second phase of the campaign which will focus on increasing buying of fairtrade products. To find out more about the fairtrade wales campaign and what you can do to help visit the Fair Trade Wales website.
There are a wide range of Fair Trade products now available, tea, coffee, chocolate, footballs, clothes, fruit and more. For information about what you can do or where to buy visit the Fairtrade Foundation website.
And don’t forget there is a wide range of Fair Trade baby poducts available online at Babi Pur