Toddler time.
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your kind words and comments about coping with colic. It’s great to have so many new options to try.
Yesterday I cut dairy from my diet, which I’m finding more difficult than I’d anticipated. I’m really craving sweet things (was the same last time I breastfed) and have been reaching for the yogurt (and bananas) as a way to keep myself off chocolate. As from yesterday I’ll be reaching for the soya yogurt instead! Hopefully it’ll help. Only a day down at the moment so too early to tell.
One of the many difficult things I find about coping with the colic, and in fact one of the most difficult things I find about having 2 children, is how to give them both the care and attention the need and deserve. In particular, how do I ensure that my toddler, DW, is stimulated and does not feel left out when I am feeding/comforting NW?
Daytimes are pretty easily sorted, and I try to take DW out of the house to do something he enjoys at least once a day. We do the usual run of mother & toddler groups, music class, toddler gym etc.
But while the sun’s been shining these past couple of weeks, my favourite things to do with DW has been to go foraging or to the local pick your own. He’s become become a master gooseberry picker, doing extraordinarily well at avoiding nasty thorns for a 2 year old! He’s less enamoured by the challenge of picking Elderflowers, but does enjoy a good run around the field while I’m picking.
This has lead to a flurry of late night preserve making on my part, and to be honest, I’m glad Elderflower season is nearly over as I’m shattered! Its not a good idea to take on all that work with a 5 week old colicy baby to look after; my health visitor thinks I’m mad!
I’m proud to say that it has resulted in us having loads of bottles of Elderflower Cordial . I love to have home made cordial in the house. DW has unfortunately developed a bit of a sweet tooth and I hate to give him shop bought squash – way too many nasties in there.
I used a recipe almost identical to this one, except that you use 30 heads of Elderflower, and it’s really strong and delicious.
Less successful has been my attempt at Elderflower Champagne. I used the same recipe as I did last year, and bottled it in Grolsch bottles as recommended. But yesterday, a week into the fermentation, three of the bottles exploded! Fortunately, they were in the shed. I dread to think what the consequences would have been if it had happened in the house with the boys about. Now we have a shed full of what are in essence glass bombs, and we’re not too sure what to do about them.
Anyway, I would recommend that you do not try the above recipe unless you have read the comments first (which I stupidly didn’t). In fact, I would say try a different recipe altogether!
I’d planned to talk about ideas about how to entertain a toddler when you are stuck in the house, as to be honest, this is what I’m struggling with, but this post is getting a bit long so I’ll leave it till next time.
If you have any suggestions about what your little ones love to do then please share them and I’ll try them out this week.
I quite enjoyed sharing what has made me smile with you last week. It made me focus on the good things I’ve got in my life which is hard to do when you are sleep deprived, trying to cope with screaming children and a messy house, two dogs that need walking, chickens than need cleaning out and a garden where the jobs are never ending – phew makes me tired just thinking about it! Anyway, I thought I’d do it again, so here are mine for this week:
1. DW’s face as he enjoys some giant bubbles at his first festival.
2. Pretty peas in the garden. The flowers range from blue to pink, and the yellow pods are delicious!
3. NW’s first attempt at driving!
3. Elderflower cordial.
4. DW getting into graffiti, and looking good in his Frugi top.
Anyway, thanks again for the colic tips, you’re a lovely bunch of ladies and I’ll keep you updated on how it goes.
I’m off to bed for a precious hours kip now while the coast is clear. Much needed after NW woke every half hour through the night last night 🙁
Bye for now!
I’d decant them into plastic bottles!!! We use sterilizer tablets on old sparkling water bottles (around 16p from supermarkets). Last year we had very gassy bottles so regularly unscrewed them to release the excess (if you squeeze them a bit when you put the tops on you can easily see when they need doing as the sides blow out). This year we’ve left it a bit late bottling them so it’s not really champagne, more flat wine (5%). Hoping they’ll ferment a bit more and we’ll get some fizz!
If you enter the shed maybe go in behind a thick blanket and stay there til you’ve opened the bottles?
Good Luck!
Thanks Karla. Hubby has now braved the shed complete with blanket and full body armour. We’ve just burped the bottles for now, but I think the plastic bottles sound like a better idea. Gives me an excuse to buy some sparkling water to have with the cordial too! 🙂
Hope yours starts to fizz up, wish we could send some fizz your way! 🙂