Nappuchino Nottingham – Monday 18th July 10am-12.30pm

Babi Pur at Home Nottingham is hosting a Nappuchino in Nottingham on Monday 18th July 10am-12.30pm
It is being held at my own house at the moment as with it being a private residence please contact me via email for my address:

What is a Nappuchino?

A Nappuchino is a relaxed coffee morning style gathering of cloth nappy users or parents interested in using cloth and want further information. Chatting to real users of cloth nappies like myself helps you make better choices or can offer advice if you are having issues with fit, absorbancy or require advice on boosting.

My Nappy Library

I have a huge personal stash of nappies which I am willing to loan out for a small refundable deposit.

So for no risk you can try a used (laundered of course) nappy out on your baby for as long as you feel you need and you will receive your deposit back once the nappy is returned. It’s a great way of being able to get a feel for the different types of nappy without the costs of buying them.


I have a small collection of baby carriers and books which can be browsed through or tried on during these sessions.

If you are a facebook user why not like my facebook page to get up to date news on events and special offers: Babi Pur at Home – Nottingham


I am Mummy to a little boy called Quentin, currently on maternity leave until July 2010 and Nuts about Cloth Nappies.

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