Mini McCann tests out the funky Tot Bots Easyfit V2

I was given a lovely cherry heart Tot Bots Easyfit V2 and when it arrived I fell in love with the design!. It s great to express some of our funkiness via a design and although the cherry heart one was chosen for us it fitted our style really well! The Velcro tabs are even co-ordinated to match the nappy.

It was easy to use and this was due to the fleece liner being part attached to the nappy, the fleece liner doubled over easily to fit inside the wrap so no faffing to attach or push the fleece in a pocket. This was really good in terms of line drying as being in a flat we have limited space on our balcony line. It dried easily within a day on our line even on duller days.

The nappy itself was very roomy. My little one is 18lbs but very tall and it did come up bigger than her bum genius v3’s. The poppers were there to make the nappy smaller/larger and unlike some nappies there were two lines of poppers rather than three.

The only thing I can think that would make the nappy better would be if it had extra protection around the legs for those with a lengthy baby but like I said before poppers can be used to adapt the fit.

It washed quite well and the fleece does come up a silky feel even after washing a few times now. It had handy laundry tabs and the Velcro hasn’t caught any fluff in so far.

All in all if you are looking for something cute, that can fit to a personality as well as to show off a cloth bum this would be a fab choice!..

Chelle McCann

I am married to Gav and mummy of a gorgeous girl who arrived 11 days late in December 2009. I started blogging in 2009 when I was 17 weeks pregnant after becoming frustrated reading pregnancy books and wanting something a bit more open and honest. I started to write for a local newspaper and loved being able to share all things mummy, wife and life related, sometimes whingeing but positive also! I love music and reading but am currently immersed in anything baby related. I love my life!

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3 Responses

  1. 3andnotout says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this nappy, I had some of the original Easyfits and had quite a few problems with leaking but these new EF’s are night and day, Tots really have made some major improvements here. Totally on a par with the BG pocket IMHO but in funky prints yay!… BG too but the colours are soooo boring!!!!

  2. Grace says:

    3andnotout, thanks for that info! I love BG but also find the colours so boring, but was worried these new Totbots would have the same leakage problems I’ve had with the old ones.

  1. July 26, 2010

    […] Check out Mama McCanns Review of the Easyfit v2 here […]

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