Making a difference – Forever Angels

As the festive season approaches I wanted to take a step back from the hustle and bustle of crowds shopping for gifts and families sharing special times together and reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves.

So, I looked deeper for those special angels out there that really do give something back, remind us that in difficult times there are people out there that really care but that also need support!

About Forever Angels

Forever Angels is a Charity based in Tanzania which opened in August 2006. They care for orphaned and abandoned children. Caring for these little angels is Amy Hathaway whose lifelong dream was to care for and nurture them. The Forever Angels Baby Home has so far cared for over 130 babies & children 75 of which have been successfully re-homed.

As with any charity they rely on donations and fund-raising to support the Baby home and cover running costs. Not all of these donations have to be monetary they have needs for volunteers, and supplies.

How can you help?

Ever wondered what to do with your cloth nappies when your baby no longer needs them?

Forever Angels has a short but equally essential wish list –

  • Nappies – washable – small, medium and large sizes needed
  • Outer Nappy waterproof pants
  • Antibacterial hand wash gel
  • Cotton balls
  • Disposable Nappy Liners
  • Nappy Sacks
  • Rusks / Baby Rice / Packet weaning food
  • Bubbles and Balloons and Face Paint

If you would like to send a package to Forever Angels – please write on the Parcel ‘Second Hand Goods, NO Commercial Value – For Orphanage Use Only’. If this is not written – they will get charged huge customs duty to receive the parcel here in Mwanza.

Please send any parcels to Forever Angels Baby Home, Po Box 2631, Pasiansi, Mwanza, Tanzania, Africa.

Please consider that parcels DO cost a lot of money to send to Tanzania – so please only send goods which are on our Wish List. Anything else (clothes etc) can be brought MUCH cheaper in Mwanza, so please instead, consider donating your shipping costs to forever angels instead of sending goods so that they can buy the required items locally.

Bigger heart to offer?

If you have much more to offer, why not consider sponsoring a child. Child sponsor information here

or even fancy a trip out to Tanzania and spend time volunteering at the Baby home? Childcare skills are useful but if your a plumber, builder, carpenter or even a gardener your skills are equally as valuable.
Further information on Volunteering


I am Mummy to a little boy called Quentin, currently on maternity leave until July 2010 and Nuts about Cloth Nappies.

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7 Responses

  1. Ros Milligan says:

    Wow! what a wonderful idea and such a blessing for these babies to have such amazing people to care for them. Sure the carers get day after day of joy from caring for them too 🙂

    One quick question though, the info seemed to imply that the address to send nappies to is a freepost address? Is that correct or does the sender need to take it to the post office and get it weighed and paid for etc? If its freepost ic an pop them in the postbox down the street asap, but can’t get to the post office at the mo – snowed in!

  2. Gillian Docherty says:

    Fantastic. I have a few nappies I could pass on. I always wondered if there was such a charity. Thanks for telling us about this.

  3. Nicola says:

    Unfortunately it’s not freepost, the parcel will have to be weighed and paid for.
    Please avoid items not on their wishlist as many items such as clothes are available cheaply in the local area though they ask that you state it is for ”Second Hand Goods, NO Commercial Value – FOR ORPHANAGE USE ONLY’ to avoid a huge customs bill in Tanzania.

  4. Jo says:

    Nicola, My friends have been ringing me up after reading this! Everyone wants to help – and it seems everyone has something they can send. Well done! Jo x

  5. LAURALAI says:

    this is brilliant! I have a bundle of cloth nappies that i bought new, when pregnant. Ended up in a ‘crack den’! (my affectionate name for my hideous bed sit flat)with no washing machine and…..long story- short i still have them, new unused, longing for bums to hug!

    I shall post them in the new year when im out of ‘overdrawn’ status 🙂

  6. LAURALAI says:

    That is what i will ask my mum for, for christmas… post my bumper parcel of nappies and liners. She will love that…..or my sister even, shes always getting someone a ‘goat’or the like ;-P
    Perfect. Thanks for sharing this. xx

  7. Nicola says:

    That’s fantastic!! It’s great to know that there are people out there that can help!! I’m sure they will be thrilled with their parcels!!

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