Imse Vimse organic washable breast pads

The Imse Vimse organic cotton breast pads are some of the softest washable breast pads I’ve used. I’ve been using these a while now and the size, shape and fit of them is lush. At 12cm round they are more generous than some of the other washable padsĀ I’ve used and they stay put in the bra cup easier. I found other brands much smaller which didn’t prevent leaks so well as they moved about more.

The cotton is really absorbent and the edge of the pad is gently finished so the seam doesn’t show through the bra, making them pretty much invisible.

I have several brands of washable breast pads and I have to say I reach for these first every-time.


I am Mummy to a little boy called Quentin, currently on maternity leave until July 2010 and Nuts about Cloth Nappies.

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3 Responses

  1. Annabelle says:

    While I agree that these pads are great for leaks and generous for size, they are a little thick. I also found that they tend to stay humid all day long. This is not great for avoiding mastitis and other bacteria….

  2. Ros says:

    I agree, they’re the best washable pads I’ve tried. Others are too small,although they are absorbant, back in the early days of super duper milk leakage I had to turn to disposable pads as I was leaking through the Imse Vimse ones, went back when things settled down though and love them. Very soft and comfortable. I only got bad mastitis once at 8 weeks post birth, and that was whilst using disposables so can’t blame that on the Imse Vimse pads!

  3. Sandra says:

    I agree Ros, I only ever had mastitis whilst using disposable pads. It’s because of the plastic backing to prevent leaking that can actually harm your breast or cause problems like a yeast infection. They can also ‘scratch’ your nipples which increases the risk of infection if they crack. Some washable pads which wick moisture away may not feel as ‘damp’ but this means you don’t get a natural fibre next to your skin (which can cause irritation problems – which can then lead to infection) It’s better to change pads often than to wear a pad which is full of milk yet feels dry in my opinion. I like these pads because –

    1. they’re soft and gentle on my nipples
    2. they stay in place
    3. they don’t get thrown away after each use!
    4. they’re made from organic unbleached cotton
    5. they cost me nothing (my friend bought them for me along with some other lovely goodies when I was pregnant)

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