Flip n’ Swim Competition

CONGRATULATIONS  to Emma (comment No. 70)  who is the lucky winner of our Flip n Swim Competition! More competitions coming soon…………………

Peter’s been very busy today puting some great cloth nappy packs together!  I love the idea of the Flip Mixed trial pack which includes a Flip wrap, a stay dry & organic insert and a pack of biodegradable disposable liners.  What a great way to give the Flip nappy a try!   The Flip n Swim competiton prizes are 1 x Flip Mixed trial Pack & 1 x Bambinex Swim nappy.  To enter, all you need to do is answer the following question by commenting below “If you could have a weeks holiday anywhere in the world, where would you go?” 

BONUS ENTRIES: For bonus entries please leave a separate comment for each of the following you have done :

  • LIKE BabiPur on Facebook
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  • CREATE AN ACCOUNT & tick to receive our newsletters here
  • COMMENT leave a comment on any posts relating to Nappies on this blog
  • REVIEW any  Washable Nappy on our website
  • RETWEET this post

It is important that you leave separate comments as each comment number is counted as an entry!

All entries need to be with us before 11.59pm on the 9th of June 2010

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193 Responses

  1. Joanne says:

    I would go to Greece, Ive only ever been abroad once when I was about 13 but Greece is somewhere I have always fancied going, I remember seeing a photo of a white sandy beach and beautiful blue sea *sigh*

  2. Joanne says:

    Already “like” babipur on FB (doesnt sound as good as being a fan!)

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  4. Joanne says:

    Also already receive newsletters 🙂

  5. Joanne says:

    retweeted (twitter is so complicated!)

  6. Bec says:

    Hubby has leave next week and we are hoping to go to Bluestone in West Wales, beautiful accommodation, beaches and countryside, without even going abroad.

  7. Sarah jones says:

    I would go to devon, beautiful coastlines, beautiful places to visit, plenty of things to do with the kids. Who needs to go abroad when there is such lovely places on our doorsteps 😀

  8. Bec says:

    Already ‘like’ on Facebook

  9. Bec says:

    picture added to Facebook page

  10. Anna says:

    I would go home to Canada with my family to spend a week with loved ones… and go for a swim with my baby!

  11. Bec says:

    already a newsletter subscriber

  12. Ellie says:

    I would go back to Hawaii where we went on our honeymoon. We promised a bus driver we met there that we would return once we had had children and take them to see him and I would so love to go back and see if we can find him and show them!

  13. Ellie says:

    Like on facebook

  14. Gem says:

    like on facebook

  15. Gem says:

    I would stay right here in Britain with my hubby and my daughter, we have so much countryside, beaches, cities to offer that it seems a shame to go too far away!

  16. Gem says:

    following on twitter

  17. Bec says:

    follower on twitter

  18. Kylie says:

    Too much choice! I would love to go to Fiji on a holiday, I worked with street kids in Suva about 20 years ago and would love to go again, but this time to relax a bit!!!

  19. Kylie says:

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  20. Bec says:

    retweeted (i think!)

  21. Rachel says:

    I’d go back to Wales to see all my family, good food, good beaches and good fun. Not so sure about the weather though, have to keep our fingers crossed!

  22. Rachel says:

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  23. Emma says:

    like on facebook

  24. Rachel says:


  25. Rachel says:


  26. Rachel says:

    oh, and tweeted too!

  27. Gem Burke says:

    Do i really have to choose? I’m torn between taking the kids to Disney Land and a week on safari in Africa!

  28. Gem Burke says:

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  29. Gem Burke says:

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  31. Gem Burke says:

    and have juswt retweeted 🙂

  32. Gem Burke says:

    account made with newsletters (must browse shop in a mo) and my typos are terrible sorry!

  33. Kate says:

    Fan on FB

  34. Kate says:

    I would stay at home and be a local tourist. I would employ a butler/cleaner/cook for the week though so we wouldn’t have to lift a finger at home! Baby too young really for Disney in Florida 🙂

  35. Kate says:

    Have added a picture on FB

  36. Kate says:

    Put link to competition on FB

  37. Pippa says:

    i would go to Borneo, to the orangutang sancturys, its somewhere i have always wanted to go and i woul love to take my little girl.

  38. Pippa says:

    i have liked BabiPur on Facebook

  39. Annabelle says:

    I would go to Zanzibar. Why? Because I like the name!!!!

  40. Annabelle says:

    I have just told this forum:


  41. Annabelle says:

    I have just added a review of Bumgenius (my first buy)

  42. Annabelle says:

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  43. Emma says:

    ‘Like’ on FB anf following on Twitter and have retweeted, receive emails too. Pic added on FB too

    I would go back to St Lucia, absolutely gorgeous place, well I love the whole of the Caribbean but on our cruise this was my favourite island.

  44. Stefany says:

    Turks & Caicos!!

  45. jenny says:

    The US more than likely. However it is a bit far going with 10 kids!

  46. Stefany says:

    “like” on facebook 🙂

  47. jenny says:

    facebook fan

  48. jenny says:

    twitter follower.

  49. Alison Jones says:

    I would love to do the Route 66 in America.

    I am facebook fan.

  50. Rachael says:

    I would go to Australia because it seems like a really beautiful place and I have friends over there that I have never met (became friends as penpals as teenagers).

  51. Rachael says:

    Am a fan on facebook!

  52. Melony says:

    If i could go on holiday anywhere in the world, i would go to disney world florida, very boring and un original but my 4 girls would love it as would my husband and myself!

  53. Melony says:

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  57. becky says:

    I would love to go anywhere with white sands and blue seas with my hubbie as hes never been abroad,hopefully one day 🙂

  58. becky says:

    ive liked,im also a fan on fb…i havnt got a clue about twitter though :/ heehee

  59. Leanne says:

    I am already a fan on facebook

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  61. Jenraf says:


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  66. Emma says:

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  68. Emma says:

    I’d love to go back to Tokyo!

  69. Ros says:

    I’d love to go back to Jamaica where we had our honeymoon and take little pickle swimming in har new Bambinex swim nappy in the sea! Although I don’t fancy the 9 hour flight, so I’d like to go by teleportation please…is that possible?! 😉

  70. Ros says:

    a fan on facebook and added pics

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  75. jules says:

    I would go to Norway to visit my family!

  76. jules says:

    Liking Babi pur on facebook

  77. sarah says:

    i would go to dubai, it looks beautiful and they have the whole world (islands) for me to explore lol

  78. sarah says:

    fb fan x

  79. Asta says:

    Spain, La Manga with my girl friends because it’s out little bit of paridise away from life.

  80. Simona says:

    Already ‘like’ on Facebook

  81. Siobhan O'Brien says:

    I’d go the Galapagos Islands

  82. Laura Cameron says:

    I would love to go back to Barcelona, I love watching the Santa Familia grow,

  83. Laura Cameron says:

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  85. Enola says:

    If I could go anywhere I think it’d have to be New Zeland…although I fear week wouldn’t be long enough! 😀

  86. Enola says:

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  88. Jessica says:

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  89. Jessica says:

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  91. Jessica says:

    I would love to go to Vietnam – it looks so beautiful – mountains, jungle, beaches – and historically and culturally interesting too.

  92. Rebecca Hudson says:

    I would like to go somewhere to see the northen lights, possibly sweeden and see the ice hotel at the same time

  93. Rebecca Hudson says:

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  96. Alison S says:

    I have already ‘liked’ FB :O)

  97. Alison S says:

    Added to a post on the cloth nappy board at BC

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  101. Michelle St' says:

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  105. Alison S says:

    A week in a natural spa in any warm country would do me just nicely :O)

  106. Michelle St' says:

    My favourite holiday destination would be Australia as I could catch up with old friends 🙂

  107. nina says:

    private island in middle of nowhere with white sandy beaches, palm trees and clear warm water…

  108. Alison S says:

    photo added to fan wall :O)

  109. Jill says:

    I’d love to go to Tuscany in Italy

  110. Jill says:

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  111. Jill says:

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  112. Tara says:

    I would love to go to Hawaii but think the flight would be too long with 2 little ones, will stick to european breaks over the next few years.

  113. sam says:

    I would go to Sri Lanka and introduce my wonderful husband and children to my family who have never met them before. Its been over 10 years since I was back there and I miss it terribly.

  114. sam says:

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  116. Becca says:

    Machu Picchu with my 16 month old. Always wanted to visit Peru, I’ve rarely travelled (only once out of Europe) and think it would blow him away as much as myself

  117. Becca says:

    Already a f.book Babipur ‘liker’

  118. Jema A says:

    already like on fb 🙂

  119. Jema A says:

    dont think my comment posted – orlando florida, disneyworld/universal studios/waterparks etc!!

  120. Yngvar says:

    The Galapagos Islands. It’s been a dream to go there since watching a David Attenborough documentary about it many years ago.

  121. Samantha Mullins says:

    A holiday anywhere would be fab right now!! Sun, sea and sand 🙂

  122. Samantha Mullins says:

    Liked on fb!

  123. Kirsty Lowe says:

    Would love to go to Paris again, we went for our 1st wedding anniversary would love to go back with our girls.

  124. Kirsty says:

    I’d love to go to Morocco – colourful and exotic

  125. Des says:

    ‘like’ on facebook

  126. Des says:

    going back to Germany for Xmas market though no swimming involved, so for that Gran Canaria with Irish family

  127. Nuala Rymell says:

    I’d go back to Alvore in Portugal

  128. Nuala Rymell says:

    I’m a facebook fan

  129. Jenny says:

    I would go back to France again. We have been going there every year for the last five years but cannot go this year as we cant afford it as we have just moved 🙁

  130. Jenny says:

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  131. Jenny says:

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  132. Michelle says:

    Hmm tough one, I would like to go NZ or Australia (especially if the flights were a bit shorter).

  133. Michelle says:

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  136. Michelle K says:

    If I could go on holiday anywhere I’d go to Cornwall, beautiful scenery, lots of history and lots of beaches to take my baby! 🙂 My OH’s family live there too so it’d be nice and cheap for us tehe! 🙂

  137. Yasmin says:

    i’d go to the canary islands, since that’s where my OH is at the moment and i’m pretty miserable over here without him in rainy old england!!!

  138. Yasmin says:

    facebook fan 🙂

  139. Michelle K says:

    And already like on FB 🙂

  140. Vici says:

    I would go to Sri Lanka – its omewhere i’ve always wanted to go and I am booked to leave on 2nd Oct for my honeymoon 😀 Can’t wait to see the elephants!!

  141. Vici says:

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  142. Vici says:

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  143. Vici says:

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  144. Mary Jo says:

    I’d go to the Greek island I’ve been dreaming about ever since I saw Shirley Valentine!

  145. Mary Jo says:

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  147. Sarah says:

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  150. Sarah-Louise says:

    If I could go on holiday, it would be spain. Was supposed to be going at the end of July, was all booked up at the end of November 2009 and in December I found out I was expecting number 2! Alas when the in-laws go off to sun themselves I will be 38weeks pregnant and very jealous! Luckily I will have another cloth bummed cutie to ease the pain! 😉

  151. Kate Poyser says:

    I would go to Jamaica so my son can meet his relatives and learn about his roots. This would enable us to test the swimming nappy on the white Sand beaches all over the island. I bet my son would be the envy of all the other babies on the beach with his choice of swimming attire.

  152. Sarah-Louise says:

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  156. Laura says:

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  157. Laura says:

    Id go to Sicily…my hubby is italian from 2 generations back in sicily but has never been. Id love to take our daughter back to the place daddy came from…

  158. Laura says:

    created an account and ticked newsletter!

  159. Laura says:

    reviewed staydry Flip inserts.

  160. Grace says:

    There are lots of places I would like to go, but right now I would choose to go to Washington, DC, so my little boy could visit his American family. They don’t get to see him nearly often enough!

  161. Grace says:

    I am very much a Facebook fan.

  162. Grace says:

    I have posted fan pictures on FB and might post another one later!

  163. Grace says:

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  168. Rachel says:


  169. Rachel says:

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  170. Claire says:

    Liked Babipur on FB 🙂

  171. Claire says:

    Flipping flip flop great for camping!! 🙂

  172. Rachel says:

    I’d go to Kenya on safari. It’s a lifetime dream for me!

  173. Rachel says:

    LIKE BabiPur on Facebook

  174. Laura says:

    commented on the ‘What type of Nappy User are you’ article!

  175. Celine says:

    Id love to go to Italy – it sounds super romantic 🙂

  176. Penny Wincer says:

    Like Babipur on FB!!

  177. Nicky says:

    what a great idea, flip and swim. Very happy with our flips, my Mum loves them more than the original BGs

  178. Vicki sutcliffe says:

    Toby (10 weeks) has just discovered that he loves swimming, had his first swim on Sunday! So a weeks holiday somewhere with warm seas, (Maldives?) would be ideal for us, where he could sit in the shade and splash in the pool and sea.

  179. Julia says:

    I’d go to Edinburgh to visit my closest friend. I love the city of Edinburgh, its so interesting and I like the fresh Scottish air.

  180. Julia says:

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  185. Julia says:

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  186. Gillian says:

    If I could go on holiday anywhere in the world I would take my family to Bora Bora in French Polynesia. The island is surrounded by a lagoon adn abrrier reef with a volcano in the centre. It would be an amazing place to see – so much culture, wildlife and natural history to investigate. It truely is a once in a lifetime holiday!

  187. orla says:

    Australia, as so much of my fluff is from there!

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