Fair Trade Rag Dolls – Imajo
Imajo is a importer of hand made rag dolls from Sri Lanka and has now teamed up with Babi Pur selling these beautiful dolls online. Rosanne pictured here has starred in a recent commercial for Harveys furniture at the start of Coronation Street. Each doll is Hand made using locally sourced materials supporting the local community in as many ways as possible. The factory they are made in operates Fair Trade standards and principles.
A few facts provided by Imajo LTD
- No employees under age 18
- Employees take home at least minimum wage depending on skills and experience
- Transport to and from work is fully paid for by employer
- Both employer and employees contribute to an “Employee Crisis Fund” which can be used to help employees through difficult periods
- Both employer and employees contribute to an “Employee Trust Fund” which can be accessed at any time.
- Refreshments are provided in employee canteen area
- Factory layout result of consultation with European Factory Manager
- Standard 44.5 hour week (8 hours Mon-Fri, 4.5 hours Saturday)
- Employees are granted paid annual leave and all public holidays are respected, including any religious holidays
- All female workers receive maternity pay and have the right to return
I think you’ll agree, a great range of beautiful dolls has been added to the Babi Pur toy collection. Shop Rag Dolls
Wow you started your blog exactly one week after our eldest was born!!!