Fair Trade Dressing Up Fun from Piccalilly
At Babi Pur we’ve just taken delivery of these beautiful fairy dresses from funky Fairtrade children’s brand Piccalilly. Amazing iridescent colours, fairy wings, bells, flowers, ribbons, sequins, net skirts and tutus. What more could a little girl dream of? Perfect for firing up their big imaginations!
These lovely dressing up clothes are fairly traded from Bali and really stand out from the mass produced dresses found in big stores. Piccalilly work with a small family run producer in Bali which employs 10 ladies and uses locally sourced fabrics. There’s lots of attention to detail and the quality is excellent. Our own little girls each have a dress at home, they’ve been worn countless times and still look fantastic. Piccalilly has worked with their producer in Bali for 6 years now and supports a local organisation which sponsors the education of children.
Our girls love to dress up and they adore their Piccalilly fairy dresses. Hearing them laughing while they dance and run about with the little bells jangling really is a little bit magical. It won’t be long until they ditch their fairies, butterflies and ballerina outfits and they’ll be more interested in Justin Bieber, make the most of these precious years!
The Piccalilly dresses and tutu are all available in our girl’s clothes section here and there’s choices available from sizes 1-6 years although we think they fit a much broader range of sizes than advertised.