Close Caboo Carrier Review by Josie & Elizabeth
Close (formerly Close Parent) Caboo Baby Carrier Review
A few months ago we were given the opportunity to send the yet to be released Close Caboo carrier out for testing. We had what we thought was the perfect candidate, Josie had recently given birth to little baby Elizabeth. However when we offered the Caboo carrier to her she was. . . . . erm, lets say less than enthusiastic. Read on for her full review of the Caboo carrier.
Close Caboo baby carrier review by Josie & Elizabeth
When Babi Pur asked me to review the new Close Caboo sling for them I have to say I was a little reticent. I’ve tried lots of slings but have never really used them much, let alone enjoyed wearing them.
‘Are you sure?’ I asked Jolene; ‘I have bad shoulders and wearing slings gives me tension headaches. I’m a bit of a hard customer to please.’ Well, three weeks and much baby wearing later I have to say that I love it! There, I’ve said it – I love the new Caboo carrier. It’s easy to use, snugly and so comfortable that I look forward to carrying Elizabeth around in it. I wear it around the house, whilst gardening and it’s a god-send when supermarket shopping with three young kids.
I pop Elizabeth into the sling and off we go for a walk through the woods in the evening whilst Roger puts our boys to bed. It gives us half an hour of quiet time together (and me such much needed exercise).
As I’m sure most of you readers know, baby wearing is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reasons. Babies who are carried are found to be happier, more contented and less prone to anxiety. Carrying them upright in a sling allows them to burp in their own time, leaving your hands free to carry on with those wonderful chores us parents are inundated with. A sling-cuddled baby feels secure and well loved; and the close contact with mum or dad is vital, especially in those early few weeks. And slings are so versatile – they can be worn by anyone and can hold babies of all shapes and sizes.
The Caboo carrier is based on the long wraparound style slings, but with a much improved design – like upgrading from a boxy old 80s banger to a power-steering-led new car. The old way works, but the new design is so much simpler, smoother and more effective.
The baby is held in the same way as the wrap-style slings; with the straps between the legs and the weight distributed across both your shoulders and a cross of fabric at your back. But there’s no fiddling around with long loops of cloth trying not to drag the ends in the mud as you negotiate a wriggly baby and complicated origami of knots. Just slide the Caboo over your head, pop your baby in, tighten the straps and off you go. I’m still trying to get used to the breastfeeding position, I’ll let you know how I get one. Of course, as with any sling, the more you wear it the better acquainted you become. You work out little tips and tricks to help make it all more comfortable, and I’ve shared a few of mine below.
Slings are a great, if ancient, invention and rightly so. With their new Caboo carrier Close Parent have take the basics of sling wearing and carried it on to another level of comfort and versatility. I would thoroughly recommend this sling to any parent, and I will say it again; ‘I love it!’
Tips and Tricks:
- Check often that your baby’s nose is clear and that they have free air flow.
- Think ahead with your clothing. It’s easier to wear a jacket or cardigan that you can do up over your baby than a warm jumper that you end up sweltering in but can’t take off because your baby is asleep.
- Equally, don’t overdress your baby; your body heat will keep her warm.
- If you are too hot, chances are your baby is too hot (and possibly grumpy) as well.
- Make sure that your baby is high up near your chin when you put her in the sling as she will drop with the natural stretch of the fabric and her weight.
- Check the straps are not twisted and are well spread out over your shoulders to distribute the baby’s weight evenly over your upper body.
- If you feel her weight pulling on your shoulders bend over (whilst supporting your baby’s back with one hand) and push her up towards your chin, pull the fabric cross down at the back and then tighten the side straps. This will place your baby higher, ensuring the weight is distributed more evenly across your shoulders.
Yay, I always like reading about converts to babywearing 🙂