BumGenius Organic Nappy – Reviews





The BumGenius Organic nappy is BabiPur’s newest addition and comes into stock just in time for Real Nappy Week 2009!  After searching high and low, we believe the BumGenius Organic has got to be one of the best designed organic cotton nappies on the market.  Not only does it come in 9 fantastic colours it is also a one size nappy designed to fit most babies weighing between 7lb – 35lb with three rows of poppers on the front it can be easily adjusted to fit your baby. 

The BumGenius Organic nappy is soft and luxurious.  It’s a great nappy for anyone wanting a natural organic fibre next to baby’s skin yet wants a nappy that’s easy to use and there is no stuffing is required.  This nappy is an ideal solution for families with a child in day-care or family members who are unfamiliar with cloth nappies!

If you would like to try the BumGenius Organic nappy for free we will be giving away one of our Test Kits which comprises of 2 nappies, a roll of 20 biodegradable liners and a small tote bag.  Just send an email to shop@babipur.co.uk quoting ‘real nappy week giveaway’ in the subject line and we will randomly choose a winner by the 5th of May 2009.


** The ‘Real Nappy Week Giveaway’ winner has now been chosen!  Thanks to everyone who entered their names.  The Bumgenius Test Kit winner’s was Rebekka Jones from Bristol Congratulations!**

Please read the comments and reviews below and feel free to leave your own!




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10 Responses

  1. Rebekka says:

    Have been using these nappies for 2 weeks now. I love the soft organic cotton on the inside. They have been performing brilliantly with a good snug fit on my 1 month old baby – we had no leaks during daytime and nighttime use and even explosive baby poo was well contained. The only downside is that they do take forever (about 48 hours when line-dried) to dry, so I would only would recommed them if you have a tumble-drier to finish them off.

  2. Leri says:

    I too have been using this nappy for about 2 weeks. My daughter is 18 months. I was keen to try this organic nappy out because we only want organic cotton/bamboo next to her skin. In our stash we have Pop In bamboo nappies, Imse Vimse organic nappies, Tots Bots Bamboozles and Little Lamb bamboo.

    The best thing about this nappy is how easy it is to use. It really is an all in one nappy with no bits to stick on or stuff it with! My sister in the States has been using this nappy for a while and advised me that it needs to be washed quite a few times to get the full absobancy. I washed it 6 or 7 times and not had any leaks. I have also used this nappy over night and use a hemp booster to be safe (no leaks)

    We get a good comfortable fit with this nappy and it’s much slimmer than most of the nappies we have so great under trousers.

    This nappy dries in 24 hours on the airer indoors.

    I will be buying more of these nappies.

  3. Samantha says:

    I received 3 of these nappies 4 weeks ago to test them out on my daughter Morgan who’s 8 months. We’ve been using them regularly for the past 4 weeks and really like them. So here’s my review….

    This is a lightweight nappy which is designed to fit from birth to potty training. It is an all in one with the soaker attached. It is a very straight forward nappy – put on – take off when dirty – wash – dry – put on again! There are no fiddly bits and no stuffing is required.

    The soaker is made from organic cotton which is very absorbent and silky soft too. The organic cotton takes longer to dry than conventional cotton however this nappy has been designed in a way which minimises drying time. The soaker is attached in a way that allows air to flow freely around it when the nappy is hung to dry.

    This Organic cotton version of the Bumgenius nappy gives a slimmer fit than the V3. It has poppers rather than Velcro fastening which I suppose is better for older babies as they can’t un-do them as easily! I personally prefer the Velcro but it wouldn’t influence my purchasing decision!

    I really like this nappy because it’s simple to use, looks nice on, is slim fitting and it works! Oh.. and the organic cotton is better for babies and the environment too

    I can’t really think of any disadvantages except for the drying time – they do take about a day to dry indoors.

  4. Nicola Light says:

    This nappy is reliable and I’ve had no problem with leaks which is great. The material is lovely and soft, although I found it to stain very heavily. It’s a neat fit and would work well with a newborn although with having the material all in one piece, this isn’t as flexible as stuffing it yourself. I am not such a fan of poppers either as I find velcro easier. I found the drying time is a problem too because they take such a long time to dry.

  5. Auri Paajanen says:

    This nappy is a good fit for my 20-month-old daughter, and the cotton soaker has a comfortable feel. I would however like more flexibility: an opening in the back between the outer layer and the nappy itself, for adding more stuffing – an old hundred times used cotton square is a great insert, with minimum drying time. Also I find that this nappy would dry quicker if the soaker wasn’t attached from both ends – it could be a long piece of cloth, folded up into place. Other than that it is a good nappy.

  6. Lau says:

    This is one of my favourite all in one nappies. I love it because is very simple to use, a trim fittin and the soaker is attached and allows the air flow, I don´t have to be strugling to put the soakers in their propper place (like with the Imse Vimse all in one) and thats is a good point with a baby running everywhere. The only disadvantage is that it stains heavily.

  7. Sara says:

    Bumgenius organic
    This is an all-in-one nappy, made out of organic cotton fabric. It’s a birth to potty nappy with poppers to expand the nappy as the baby grows. Another great feature is that there is no applix fastening on this nappy – there’s a massive line of poppers along the top to tighten or loosen the sides when the nappy is put on.
    Performance wise, this was great, and did not leak. We even used it overnight and it did 12 hours without leaking. The elasticated legs contain all solids too (but newborns might leak with this – my baby is not a newborn now!) The nappy feels lovely and natural, fits well and works well.
    There are downsides, however. The popper fastening is great for washing because it doesn’t catch on anything and doesn’t get grubby like applix does. But, it’s a little bit fiddly to popper it closed on a wriggling toddler – I also had to put my hand into the front of the nappy behind the popper so that I wasn’t pressing down on the baby’s tummy; you need a firm press to close it.
    The other downside is the fact that it’s all-in-one. There are three layers of cotton stitched onto the outer shell, and whilst this was great and absorbent, drying it was a nightmare: I didn’t want to put it on a hot radiator in case I ruined the waterproofing, so hung on the bannister it took hours – it was put there overnight, it was still damp the following evening, and dry by the next morning. This might not be a problem on the line, but the fact that you can’t open it out means that it really is a slow drying nappy.
    Great performance, but not a hit in this house because of the drying time.

  8. Nicola says:

    BumGenius Organic All in One
    Unlike other Bumgenius nappies I’ve tried, the Organic BumGenius are ‘All in One’, so there is no assembling required. It’s ready to go and Daddysafe. Even my hubby can’t get it wrong. This is also BumGenius’ first Popper nappy, I’m a big fan of poppers, not so easy for little fingers to undo. Initially I did worry that the nappy could be too tight when ‘between’ poppers but the waistband and the poppered tab are both really stretchy giving a snug ‘leak-free’ fit. The Organic cotton inner is really absorbent and is in two separate ‘attached’ sections in the nappy to allow it to dry easier. It does take a while to dry, but they’re my favourite slim fit daytime nappy.

  9. herb says:

    love these nappies, but I do wish they did a purple colour.

    Purple please!

  10. Ana says:

    They are the best! Easy to use and absorbant!

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