Baby Yoga and comfy wear & organic stuff!

An update from Chelle, mum to Fizz who together have been testing lots of nappies and other stuff from Babi Pur.  When we first met Chelle, she was new to cloth nappies and kindly published her cloth nappy ‘diary’ on the Babi Pur blog.

Baby Yoga & Comfy wear

Recently we’ve tried to get Fizz more loungey style clothes so that on our sunday afternoons we can cuddle on the sofa, not quite in pj’s but super comfortable.

The yoga pants by Piccalilly are fantastic! Organic cotton is great against Fizz’s eczema prone skin and at the moment these pants are quite a bargain at £7 each.I am always surprised after each and every wash that they continue to be really soft, just what we need against delicate skin. Oh and plenty of room for that cloth bum!

We’re looking forward to attending baby jam (a local dance class) now Fizz is well under way with her walking and these pants are perfect for busting some grooves.

Organic products

As I have probably mentioned before we love organic products. From the flip organic inserts to natural bath products to the organic veggie and fruit box delivered to our front door.

As Fizz has grown so have we. Our knowledge has expanded so much on what we use on our bodies to what we put in our mouths. Admittedly we were not so clued up before Fizz’s arrival, well apart from organic cider 😉

So when should you start thinking about what to use? Well why not try now. Start by seeking out a local veggie box scheme. If you’ve got a bump coming along then why not think about alternatives like organic cotton nighties or bath products to sooth you as a treat. Before baby arrives is a great time to be learning about going organic!

I’ve been missing from the blog for a few months but have come back really inspired by organic and natural products. I want to recommend products that have worked really well for both me and Fizz, that could work well for you and that overall are best for mum and baby whilst great for the environment and purse too!

Chelle McCann

I am married to Gav and mummy of a gorgeous girl who arrived 11 days late in December 2009. I started blogging in 2009 when I was 17 weeks pregnant after becoming frustrated reading pregnancy books and wanting something a bit more open and honest. I started to write for a local newspaper and loved being able to share all things mummy, wife and life related, sometimes whingeing but positive also! I love music and reading but am currently immersed in anything baby related. I love my life!

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