A Cloth Odyssey – The Early Days

Were fortunate in our area that the council offers an incentive for parents to use cloth nappies. Yours may well do too, it may be worth checking with them.

I’ve opted for the option of a  30 pound voucher to spend at Babi Pur (as opposed to a nappy trial pack) and as I wait fr my voucher to arrive, I can’t stop thinking about what to buy with it.

I really can’t decide what I want, so I thought I’d pick the brains of you wonderful experienced cloth users and let you decide for me.

But before I throw the question open, I thought I’d share my experiences of cloth so far . This may take a while so I’ve decided to spread the story over a few posts.


I knew I wanted to try cloth from the time I got pregnant, and I was lucky enough to be given a stash from various sources such s freecycle/freegle and friends. My stash mainly consisted Mother-ease one size nappies with rikki wraps, tots bots size 1 two parters, and a load of unbranded nappies which I can’t comment on.


To be fair to these nappies I didn’t really give them a fair trial. I found the nappy to be bulky on a newborn and, could never get a decent fit when DW was young and I abandoned them early in favour of the tots bots.

They are solid, well made nappies though and I know quite a few people who sing their praises. I do regret not going back to them when DW was a couple of months old.

I continued to use the rikki wraps after I stopped with the nappies. I found them roomy, good for containment, but a little bit  tight around the leg for my chunky monkey.


Solid and well made
Birth to potty
Good containment


Bulky for a young baby
Wraps tight around the leg.
Difficult to get a good fit


These were my favourite nappies when DW was little.

NW looking cute in a Tots Bots terry nappy.

And looking even cuter when it's covered with this lovely Tots Bots fleece wrap.


Easy to use
Easy to get good fit with velcro
Classic cute chunky cloth bottom look
British company and made in EU


Bulky to carry around
Bulky under clothes
Hold moisture against the skin and cause (in our case) lots of nappy rash
Elastic not great on wraps (although ours were ancient)
Slow drying.
Can get hard if not tumble dried
Work out quite expensive because
a) You’d need both size 1 & 2
b) You’d need lots of each as they take ages to dry.



Very similar to the above but made from microfibre and fleece and mine had a popper fastening..


Dry quicker than terry
Fleece and microfibre keep moisture away from baby’s bottom
Stay soft
Cute big cloth bottom!
British company and made in EU


While the gusset is lined with fleece, the microfibre sits against the skin around the waist, which can lead to irritation.
Bulky to carry around
Bulky under clothes

I don’t think tots bots make these nappies anymore, but if you do come across them pre-loved, they are pretty decent workhorse nappies, although cloth technology has come on a long  way and I’ve since found new favourites.

The story has a happy ending though.  Last week we did a car boot sale, where we met a couple who were collecting toys for an orphanage in Romania.  Suffice to say they will be taking a load of cloth nappies with them next time, and they were chuffed to bits.

Don’t you just love the fact that cloth nappies can be put to good use when you’ve finished with them rather than clogging up landfill for centuries like their plastic based counterparts!

Stage 2 in the Cloth Odyssey – Flips, coming soon! xxxx

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11 Responses

  1. Michelle says:

    I would suggest the bum genius flips or 4s. These have been brilliant. For nighttime original pop ins are fantastic! Get the boosters too 🙂

  2. Claire H says:

    You just have to try the Close Pop-Ins. These are possibly my favourite nappy at the moment, they’re just so reliable. And, thanks to a bit of advice from Babi Pur, I’ve found they’re the only ones that don’t leak at night. You obviously like your fitteds with a wrap and these are probably a nice alternative.

    Happy spending!

  3. Vicki says:

    I’m going to be getting some BG flip newborn inserts with my voucher. They weren’t around when I had my first, as flips were only just out! Looking forward to a trip to Babi pur to gt them in a month or so….

  4. Jo says:

    looking forward to seeing you Vicki! Don’t forget we’ve moved premises.. if you’ve not been to the new place just give us a call for directions – Jo x

  5. Cat says:

    Thanks for your great suggestions ladies. There are a few more episodes of A Cloth Odyssey to come (i’ve got 2 and a half years of cloth addiction to tell you about!) then i’ll (try to) post a poll, so please vote for your fave there. I’ll buy whatever comes top of the poll.xxxx

  6. susanne wedel says:

    I love our gro vias and wanna try the new BG Freetime. Pop Ins work great overnight for us.

  7. Moobug says:

    Very well-rounded, thank you! I’ve tried BGs and Itti Tuttos. Very keen to see how you fare with the BGs 🙂

    Would also like to know if you’ll be reviewing any universal overnight boosters, and which brands they work best with? We have some terrible leakage problems overnight now that our youngest is sleeping through :/

  8. Rid says:

    Do you think that there are any cloth nappies that aren’t bulky? I don’t think there’s a problem with a bit of extra padding. People have asked me why my daughters nappy looks so huge so its been a good time to mention cloth to them.

  9. Cat says:

    Ooh, I’ve not heard of gro vias, but I’m looking forward to the BG Freetime to. Have been considering the Pop-in as a night nappy, and like the look of the new prints. Deff high up on my wish list! Thanks Susanne!xx

  10. Cat says:

    Thanks Moobug. At the mo, the Flip with both an organic and stay dry insert work best for me overnight, but I’ve heard very good things about the Pop-In. I have a few universal boosters, but have no idea what brand they are to review I’m afraid. Might be an excuse to get my hands on some so I can give it a go! 🙂

    Ittis are another brand that are high on my wish list, I’d love to know what you think?xxxxxx

  11. Cat says:

    I think there are pro’s and con’s to chunky cloth. On the plus side, they look super cute, make a great talking point and supposedly help support the hips during development. On the down side, bulky nappies take up a lot of space in change bags/wet bags while out and about, and I have been caught out with clothes not fitting over a chunky bottom. I find Flip’s quite slim fitting, but would in an ideal world, replace my wordrobe with lovely Picadilly stuff, which is cut for cloth.

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