Plastic Free July: EcoCoconut at Babipur

Plastic Free Kitchen

Many of you have asked us to source plastic free alternatives to the plastic kitchen and bathroom scourer, so we have! EcoCoconut gives people the opportunity to choose biodegradable and sustainable coconut based products over plastic. They share the Babipur ethos that offering ethical and sustainable alternatives empowers people to make informed choices, and help save our planet for future generations.

EcoCoconut believe that making ethical and sustainable choices can be both functional and stylish. We hope you agree that these products make a fantastic addition to any aspiring zero waste kitchen. Let’s take a look at what makes them such a popular sustainable brand.

EcoCoconut scourers are a great swap for Plastic Free July

What’s different about them?

EcoCoconut are the perfect zero waste alternative for cleaning your kitchen and bathroom. The scourers and kitchen cleaning/bottle brushes are made from sustainably farmed coconut husks. The brush handles are made using FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified recycled rubber trees, grown in a plantation and nearing the end of their life. They’re completely natural, and biodegradable.

Common cleaning products often use chemicals to maintain anti-bacterial properties. All EcoCoconut products are naturally anti-bacterial through the use of natural coconut fibres.

They are thoughtfully designed to be highly durable, and they offer excellent performance, whilst complementing a sustainable lifestyle. They are:

  • Safe on non-stick pans
  • Designed not to scratch
  • Perfect for hard surfaces
  • Biodegradable
  • Naturally anti-bacterial
  • Free from toxic chemicals
Click to buy the EcoCoconut range at babipur

EcoCoconut Bottle Brush

This bottle brush is cleverly designed to reach all those hard to reach to places. Perfect for baby bottles, wine glasses and reusable water bottles, including Klean Kanteens. They work effectively to remove grease, mould, or any other residue, and deliver a superior clean.

EcoCoconut  Scourer

These cleverly designed scourers come in a twin pack and offer great value for any sustainable home. These highly durable multi-purpose scourers are ideal for cleaning both kitchen and bathrooms. Super easy plastic free swap! Ideal for use on pots and pans, hard surfaces like stove tops, and great for your bath. They will cut through grease safely on non-stick pans, provide durability on tough work surfaces, and cut through mould in your bathroom.

EcoCoconut Kitchen Dish Brush

Finally, we have a sustainable alternative to the plastic dish brush! The earth is overwhelmed by plastics that’s damaging our environment and causing ongoing threat and harm to marine life.

Ecococonut dish brush

The EcoCoconut brush is the perfect zero waste swap for its plastic counterpart. It’s ideal for use on pots and pans, and will cut through grease and grime whilst being safe to use on non-stick surfaces. It’s also great for washing plates, dishes, and glassware.

We hope you are as excited as we are about EcoCoconut, let us know what you think!

Share With Us!

If you’re making any plastic free swaps this Plastic Free July, share your pictures and thoughts with our community! Tag @Babipur on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook, using the #LoveBabipur or share your pictures with the Babipur community in our Facebook group, Babipur Hangout!

You can find the range of EcoCoconut >here< at Babipur.

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2 Responses

  1. Jo says:

    Ooh love the plastic free scourers definitely off for a nosey

  1. September 9, 2018

    […] One of our new brands has been really popular this week; the Eco Coconut scourers and brushes. They are completely zero waste and are made from sustainably sourced coconut husks, which makes them naturally antibacterial. These scourers and brushes can totally replace your disposable ones. They can be used all over your kitchen (and bathroom!). They won’t scratch and they’re fab on hard surfaces. They’re completely biodegradable and can be thrown in with your compost when they’re done. You can read more about them here. […]

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