Cecilia Meets Ula from Tula Baby Carriers – Photo Blog
If you don’t already know Tula is fantastic babywearing brand of ergonomic baby carriers, toddler carriers, woven wraps and ring slings. They’re known for their supremely comfortable carriers that come in the most beautiful patterns and prints. Cecilia loves babywearing and she LOVEs Tula so when she heard that Tula’s creator, Ula, was coming to her home town of Edinburgh…. well, here’s the story.
Ceclia writes:
So yesterday was a happy day for Isla and I. A lovely Scottish mama organised a playdate with Ula’s children and our little ones – Ula is Tula ’s creator and owner.
The kids had great fun playing in the park together, having ice cream and just being kids- I loved spending time with Ula and talking babies, raising children and of course, talking TULAs.

I bought a couple of ring slings from Babipur last week and took one along with me yesterday in the hope Ula would help me achieve the perfect fit. She was so thorough and very helpfully gave me some tips.
I was lucky to have a personal photographer – my mum; so I thought I would share
some pictures here.
Ula showed me how to thread the fabric through the rings, just as you would thread a belt:

I was told that it was important to spread the fabric through the rings, making sure it was not twisted

She said it was important to ensure baby was in the natural M position

Once baby is in the correct M position I should lift the panel up behind baby’s legs

Ula showed me how to gather the excess fabric and move it towards the ring

After adjusting the shoulders she said that personally she does an extra ‘loop’ on the ring with the tail fabric, to ensure only the fabric touches baby’s face, not the rings.

Then we were ready to enjoy our walk towards the park and have lots of fun with our babies

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