Hot Cross Buns – Babipur Style!
Today is Good Friday, the beginning of the Easter weekend. A very special occasion to some. For Christians, Good Friday will be an opportunity for reflection, a day which commemorates the death of Jesus on the cross. The hot cross bun is actually thought to predate Christianity to Pagan times, it was used to represent the sun wheel during the spring equinox. Other families will mark the easter holiday as a special time to come together and celebrate in their own special ways, making memories. There are many of us that are partial to the odd easter treat or egg hunt along the way too!
For many, this Easter may not be the event we were planning. Some may be missing their church community. It is great to see the innovative ways people are getting together to worship online these days and stay connected. Zoom i’m looking at you! Families may be longing to hold their loved ones and celebrate their annual Easter holiday get together, or maybe an infamous egg hunt, but for now it is important we all #StayHomeStaySafe
Get Hot Cross Bun Crafty
This doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun and celebrate within our communities! So Babipur style, our buddies and team have been busy creating their own homage to the hot cross bun. We have loved seeing their creations this week, it is so great to see everyones innovative ways of adding their own twist to the classic HCB!
Five Fabulous Top Myths on The Hot Cross Bun
- If you bake a hot cross bun on Good Friday and hang it up, it will stay fresh and mould free for the entire year!
- In 1592, Queen Victoria decreed that the infamous hot cross bun could only been sold on Good Friday, Christmas and for Burials. She felt they were simply too magnificent to indulge in on any other day
- The hot cross bun is a symbol of friendship, and those who share one together will celebrate a strong bond in the coming year “Half for you, and half for me, between us two, good luck shall be”
- People have believed the hot cross bun has medicinal qualities and you could cure illness with them (especially those non mouldy ones you leave hanging up in the kitchen all year)
- The worlds oldest hot cross bun is over 200 years old belonging to a family in Essex. Without a single piece of mould on it!
Thanks to all the buddies and staff for their creative ideas! Team Babipur wishes you a very happy Easter weekend, whatever you might be up to. We love to see your pics so please share your fun with us using the tag #LoveBabipur over on Instagram or in the Babipur Hangout xx
You can find some of the Babipur products to make your own creations here:
Okonorm 12 Watercolour Paint Tin