World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2021
What is Human Trafficking?
Trafficking in persons is the act of illegally recruiting, transporting or harbouring human beings for the purpose of exploitation.
It’s slightly different to smuggling of migrants which is when someone facilitates the illegal transportation of a person for financial benefit. Though the two can be interlinked. There is estimated to be between 20 million and 40 million people in modern slavery around the world. The figure is so broad because it is hard to assess the full scope of human trafficking as so many cases go undetected. Estimates suggest that only 0.04% of slavery survivors are ever detected which leave an unimaginable amount of cases that are never uncovered.
Human trafficking is a huge business for criminals with around $150 billion a year being made by traffickers. Over 70% of detected trafficking victims are women and girls, nearly one third are children. The UN and NGOs around the world work tirelessly to discover, protect and support victims of human trafficking and challenge the impunity of the trafficker.
Human Trafficking and Covid-19
Though it is unclear to what extent the pandemic will have on human trafficking it is already clear that it is making the lives of marginalised people more vulnerable to trafficking and exploitation. Covid-19 has amplified trafficking dangers through a number of different ways, including: loss of jobs, growing poverty, school closures, the rise in online interactions and overwhelmed social and public services making it harder for victims to seek help.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2021
This year’s theme is “Victim’s voices lead the way”. Highlighting the stories and voices of victims, key actors in the fight against trafficking. Learning from victims’ experiences and turning their suggestions into concrete actions will lead to a more victim-centred and effective approach in combating human trafficking.
- Victim’s often face ignorance.
- 50% of persons trafficked are done so for sexual exploitation.
- Globally, one in every three victims detected is a child.
- Female victims continue to be the primary targets. Women make up 46% and girls 19% of all victims of trafficking.
- HEAR THEIR STORIES Help Rebuild Their Lives
The latest global report on trafficking in persons published by the United Nations can be found here –
What can you do to help?
- Highlight and celebrate the work of first responders in your community, country and around the world.
- Buy Fairtrade
- Show the blue heart as a symbol of solidarity and help raise global awareness and drive to end human trafficking
- Share, like and comment on social messages for the World day
- Donate to the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Human Trafficking which provid on-the-ground assistance and protection.
#EndHumanTrafficking #HumanTrafficking